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Fortnite Limited Time Modes

Fortnite Limited Time Modes

One of Fortnite’s key features that keeps the game fresh and engaging for players is the introduction of Limited Time Modes (LTMs). These modes, as the name suggests, are available for a limited period and often introduce unique twists to the default game mode, providing a different experience each time. This article will delve into the world of Fortnite LTMs, discussing their impact on the game, some of the most popular and controversial modes, and the community’s response to them.

What are Fortnite Limited Time Modes?

Limited Time Modes (LTMs) are a type of playlist available in Fortnite: Battle Royale. They often add a unique twist to the default game mode, and are sometimes added as permanent modes due to their popularity. LTMs are a way for Epic Games to experiment with different aspects of the game engine, with some features from LTMs eventually making their way into the main game.

Impact of LTMs on Fortnite

The introduction of LTMs has significantly impacted the way Fortnite is played. These modes offer a break from the standard Battle Royale format, providing a fresh experience each time. They have been instrumental in keeping the game engaging and preventing it from becoming stale.

For instance, the Getaway LTM was the first mode that changed the common objective of Fortnite. Instead of being the last player standing, the goal in The Getaway is to collect a Jewel and escape to a Getaway Van, allowing up to four teams to win in a single match.

Popular LTMs

Over the years, Fortnite has introduced a variety of LTMs, each with its unique gameplay mechanics. Some of the most popular ones include:

Solid Gold

Fortnite Solid Gold LTM

This mode emphasizes fast-paced action, with players gathering materials at an increased rate and Launch Pads spawning at a higher rate.

The Getaway

As mentioned earlier, this mode changed the common objective of Fortnite, with the goal being to collect a Jewel and escape to a Getaway Van.


This is a faster-paced version of Battle Royale, with the match beginning with the storm moving towards the island and the delay between each circle being shorter than normal, creating matches that are 15 minutes long or less.

Infinity Gauntlet

Fortnite Infinity Gauntlet LTM

This mode was part of Fortnite’s collaboration with Marvel, where players could wield the power of Thanos’s Infinity Gauntlet.

Community Response to LTMs

The community’s response to LTMs has been mixed. While some players appreciate the variety and fresh gameplay mechanics that LTMs bring, others have expressed frustration over the lack of original Battle Royale LTMs. Some players have also expressed disappointment over the temporary nature of these modes, with popular LTMs like Dropwave only appearing once before disappearing forever.

There have also been complaints about the game’s shift towards Creative Mode, with some players feeling that Epic Games has grown lazy with their creativity and wants players to suffice their need for LTMs in the Creative mode.

The Future of Fortnite Limited Time Modes

Fortnite’s Limited Time Modes have played a significant role in keeping the game fresh and engaging for players. Despite some criticisms, these modes have provided unique and varied gameplay experiences that have kept players coming back for more. As Fortnite continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see if Epic Games releases new LTMs.

Sniffy Gobbleboxer’s Wisdom

I am not sure we will see another Epic released LTM anytime soon. When was the last one? A long time ago. The biggest change Epic made was creating a Zero Build or No Build mode for Battle Royale. I suspect Epic might rely upon the Creator Community to make new “LTMs” which are simply new Islands and games thought up by others.